Based on the policy, WAVLINK official website now provides product manuals and relevant files for downloading!

06/28/2019 3009
  • 1.Manuals and relevant documents are available in multiple languages.
  • 2.Multilingual manuals are provided online because too many manuals in one box will take too much space, hereby we offer you manuals online in PDF format for your reference.
  • 3.There are seven languages available: Chinese, English, Japanese, German, French, Spanish, and Italian.
  • 4.We would do our best to update manuals regularly.

How to download manuals
On the home page, please select “support” and click “manual & documents” on the drop-down column.

You can search the model or product name in the search bar.

You can also narrow down the product type by selecting the category

At the moment, we keep uploading manuals to our website regularly.
If you are in need of drivers, our website may provide what you need, please refer to the following links for details:
(For Chinese users)
(For overseas users)

When you have any problem with products, you can get the answer at our FAQ section; furthermore, if nothing is found at FAQ for your trouble, please leave us messages at the comment zone, in addition, please do not repeat your questions for your convenience.

Lastly, thanks for using WAVLINK products, we will always provide you the best services.

Website operation team 8 March, 2019

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